Artist Announced...

After a long decision making process, artist Irene Rogan was chosen from a group of 29 applicants to create a piece of public art work for the site in Chettles Yard, Radford.

Irene is an established and experienced artist based in the East Midlands and has worked both in the area and throughout the UK exhibiting and on numerous public art projects. Her work is site specific and includes sculpture and landscaping with current focus on ecology, sustainability and the environment. She often works within a multidisciplinary practice; architecture, building and design professionals.

Concept development for the commission was followed by discussions with the architects and landscape designers and her ideas are well on the way. In parallel with the sculpture progress Irene has started an art-based environmental and ecological research project on the site and River Leen which runs beneath the site, she hopes to work with groups of local students to join her on her exploration.

Irene’s ideas and drawings will be posted on this blog in the next month.

The Process of Choosing the artist

The process of choosing an artist for a piece of Public artwork follows a lengthy process, this is to ensure that the right person and proposal is chosen for the site and that their proposal complies with all the aspirations of the panel.

Initial adverts invited Artists based in the East Midlands to apply for the commissions.
A panel of representatives from OPAL Property Group, Lewis and Hickey Architects, Nottingham Trent University and Nottingham City Council Planning Department then looked through the 26 applicants and chose 9 candidates to go forward to the 1st round of interviews.
At these interviews the applicants were asked to further their ideas and proposals and give a short presentation. This stage allowed the panel to choose the final 3 candidates to got to the 2nd stage of formal presentation to the panel with their final concept for the site.

From the final 3 one artist will be chosen from this stage to begin their proposal.

Currently the final stage is underway and the final decisions are being made,unfortunately as of yet i am not able to reveal who the Artist yet however this will be announced shortly and interviews with the artist will be posted on this site.